Within our creative zone, the children have been exploring the junk modelling. One of the children used their great imagination skills to create sushi from the junk. Following on from this, they were keen to make some real sushi which then sparked the interest of other children. We used the laptop to research the recipe and after doing this worked together to create a list of ingredients. Knowing what we needed to buy we went back onto the laptop and some of the children were able to recognise icons to direct us to the Morrison’s website. Within the website, some children were able to use the images to recognise the ingredients and add these to our basket. Once we got to the checkout, the children became curious as to how we pay online. From this we discussed online banking and how to keep your bank account safe. This then led to the discussion of internet safety and how we can keep ourselves safe online. While we waited for our ingredients to arrive, the children became curious about where sushi comes from. From further research, we discovered that sushi originates from Japan. This then sparked the interest of the children which led to further research about Japanese culture. Through exploring Japanese culture, we learnt about the religion, sports, food and drink that is all traditional within Japan. Some of the children explored Japanese language, learning how to say hello, goodbye and how to count to 5. We discovered that in Japan, they use chopsticks rather than cutlery. The children were curious about what chopsticks were, and how to use them correctly. Following a video they practiced and learned how to use them correctly. Once the ingredients had arrived, the children followed the recipe to make their sushi.
Following the recipe, they discovered the first step was to boil the rice understanding the process of rice cooking. This found out about how the rice absorbs water and goes from hard to soft, learning the science behind boiling foods. Once the rice was cooked, the children left it to cool as they prepared the rest of their ingredients. The children then followed the recipe, choosing whether they wanted to fill it with cucumber or tuna. Once the sushi was finished, the children tried the sushi and then asked some staff members if they would like to try it to.